In 2013 two amazing things happened to me…

I gave birth to my first child and also discovered an amazing health program that changed the trajectory of my life!

The cutie on the left was a new, first time mom who knew deep down she needed to figure out a new way or it was going to be really hard to teach her new baby what a healthy relationship with food looked like. Little did she know this “diet” she decided to try was about to rock her world and change things not only for herself but for future generations of her family.

4 months and 46lbs later the woman on the right was revealed thanks to an amazing program designed just for nursing mothers.

I had never felt so present and in control of my body. That feeling had little to do with my size or pounds lost, and more to do with the mindset shifts and education I had around food and why I had been using it as a coping mechanism for so many years.

Having kids has shown me hands down the power and the strength I possess. I have learned that if I'm unhappy with something I have the control to change it. I was clueless when it came to diet/nutrition before this - and today, NINE years later- I am confident I know what it takes to keep myself healthy long term!

Here’s how I will help you do the same!

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A Health Coach.

Study after study shows that support and guidance increase your chances for success in reaching your goal. Coaching is the lifeblood of our program and one of the biggest differences we offer. No matter what you're facing, I will be here to help steer you to success. As your coach, I will guide you to develop healthy new habits and make healthy choices that can lead to lifelong transformation. I keep you accountable and will help you celebrate all the little victories that add up to the big ones!


Healthy Nutrition.

This works because it's simple and easy to follow. Our proven program jumpstarts your journey. Five of your daily meals are our fuelings. You'll choose from more than 60 convenient, nutritionally interchangeable, scientifically-designed fuelings. Your body will enter a gentle, but efficient fat-burning state, essential for losing weight. Each fueling contains high-quality protein which helps retain lean muscle mass, and probiotic cultures, which help support digestive health. Our proven plans and products were developed by physicians, dietitians, and scientists, and have been used by more than 1 million clients and recommended by more than 20,000 Doctors since their founding. In addition to five Fuelings per day eaten every 2 to 3 hours you will create one healthy meal on your own. When you know what optimal nutrition looks like, the rest really does become second nature. And don’t worry- once you hit your goals we have plans to transition back to “real life!"


Habits of Health System.

We succeed where other programs fail because we incorporate Healthy Habits in everything we do. Today, the world is searching for quick-fix weight-loss solutions. But we know quick fixes don't work. Our approach is radically different. The Habits of Health system will help you learn and adopt new healthy habits in bite-sized pieces we call micro habits. Developed by Dr. Wayne Andersen, The Habits of Health is an innovative lifestyle approach that gets your mind and body working together to work for you.

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We make sure you never go it alone. Study after study shows that support and guidance increase your chances for success in reaching your optimal weight. Our Community is a transformational group that will support you throughout your journey - from our client support group on Facebook that hosts other clients sharing their hope and yummy recipes, to our weekly webinars that help you focus on different habits each week- we truly surround you with the support you need to be successful!